Hi, i got the lancaster mod, and it says: INTERNAL ERROR: cant load pilot2.mat plz help! i really want the lancaster!
AND HOW do i open the 'file' with notepad??
SAS Malone has a solution for the problem you face; visit the SAS site and the relevant thread
From Malone at SAS, for those with pilot1/2.mat errors, open up that file with notepad, check this line:
TextureName ..\Textures\GB4.tga You're missing whatever the particular pilot tga is highlighted in red. Probably ones that came with the Wellington - You can just rename any pilot tga to the one in the mat file, then put it in a Textures folder inside your Lanc folder, to read as follows: Mods/Lancaster/3do/Plane/Textures. Should do the trick.
how do i open it up with notepad???
there is also a problem with bombsight view it use pe-2 bombsight but not work ok i dont khow what is the problem when you use 4000 bomb and elevation degree you cant see the target or when use 1000 bomb you can targeting.Do you thing it is a bug or something else?
simplar answer: just install the Halfix bomber, it includes all necicary files for the avro hope it helps, !!
Yes, or the Wellington. That's the one that fixed it for me. Much better way than editing files....and you get a new plane!
yes but the wellington you said is not included in unified installer where can i find it as a mod to install it?Olso can anyone tell me please how can i insert a image in a post ,because i am new in this side and how can i take a screeshot from the game?Thanks!!