Tool to re compile SFS files

Apologies if this has been asked before but is there a tool to disassemble and re assemble the the in game SFS files?

I used to work on mods for the sim Fighter Squadron and we used a tool called a Bigmunger which did the above. The il2 extractor works fine but how is it possible to get files back into the game after making changes?

The reason I'm interested in doing this is that I would Like to re compile a small version of the game just a few aircraft and terrains for LAN. This was possible in Fighter squadron hence the amazing WW1 stand alone version now available. Is it possible with Il2?

Happy landings

Yes, it is possible, HSFX has most of the mods packed into SFS archives.
I think it is not released to public to avoid unfair editing of the archives, but if you know who to ask you'll get it.

Thanks KG64_Cnopicilin,
I just want to compile a small version of European operation for LAN as some of the rigs we plan to use are limited with regards to space and a small install would be cool. My rig has several instals and takes up the most space :wink: .
I still play the first game with patches as I like the rough takeoffs and landing that the other versions don't seem to have shame about not being able to change skins but it is a much smaller instal.

Happy landings


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