Accidentally saved over mission


Im sure youve all heard this/seen this issue before, I accidentally saved over my mission that I just spent 3 hours placing static models everywhere...clicked save

And then like a dumbass, I pulled up a new map and started a new mission. I hit save as i walked away from the keyboard and at that exact moment I realized it was the same damned mission name that carried over...

So just to confirm, Im totally screwed, correct? -slams head on keyboard-

Yep Big Grin
[Image: screwed.jpg]

What he said! I hate it when that happens [Image: bargain15.jpg]

Ha Ha Ha Thanks for the comic relief! That pic had me rolling Gumpy

[Image: superfreakonomics-horseshit.jpg]

Doesn't it ask "do you want to overwrite an existing file"? New map, new file I think.

KG64_Cnopicilin Wrote:Doesn't it ask "do you want to overwrite an existing file"? New map, new file I think.

Yeah it should say "Do you want to overwrite an existing file?"

Well have a look in C:\Wherever your Il-2 folder is\Il-2 Sturmovik\Missions\Single\What ever country you saved the mission in\Mission name.mis


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