20.04.2011, 00:48
is there anyway to turn tracer smoke off? cause when i put AA on the ground and it fires at other aircraft the smoke always make me lag and im soo sick of that :|
bencivenga1 Wrote:is there anyway to turn tracer smoke off? cause when i put AA on the ground and it fires at other aircraft the smoke always make me lag and im soo sick of that :|
ton414 Wrote:Hi guys.
This mod reduces smoke tracers of AAA:
PAL SmokeTrail and Tracers adapted for 4.10.
ton414 Wrote:Hi guys.dont know if i said it in this post but im new to modding do i just tkae the file sand put it in my il-2 main?
This mod reduces smoke tracers of AAA:
PAL SmokeTrail and Tracers adapted for 4.10.