Water at Height othe rthan 0?

has that been solved? or do we need all rivers at 0 height?


I was thinking on trying to do a Chaco map, for 1936 or so, but it the area has lots of rivers at considerable heights, and a few falls also.. so it migth be inpractical to do.

Rivers can be at any height, but bridges can apparently only be put at sea level.

No-one has really figured out how to do falls yet in a convincing way.

Reminds me of another member here who wanted to make some dams so they could be destroyed by Lancaster Dambusters. Can you imagine if all this could be made? A flyable Dambuster, bouncing boms, huge dams and all those tons of water falling down. Confusedhock:

But that will be wishfull thinking I guess...I think we need to have patience for a couple of years when this will maybe be possible in one of the SoWBoB addons. Cry

The Slovakia 1.09b-map shows us that small lakes at altitude is possible. If you take a seaplane and land on one of the smaller ones, you'll see they have been made with stretching the model to the limit, but they have made it.

Thnaks guys! Ill give it a try .

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