Is it possible to determine map (x,y) for [House] entries?


Does anyone know how to determine map coordinates of destroyed objects, i.e. objects in areas covered by [House] destruction entries, such as:

M3gs +f
L3gs +1
K3gs +f

...for objects that are a fixed part of a map and for added objects?

If anyone can help me with this, it would be very much appreciated.


Place an object , and in the mission file:-

0_bld House$AirdromeControlTowerSmall 1 29978.81 20790.85 360.00

use those co-ords.

Thanks, it's a good start but it needs to be for a complete mission. Also, how would you know if that object was destroyed? I want to be able to add smoke and/or fire to some destroyed objects programatically as part of a mission utility.

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