Canis, have you considered manually editing the "default.ini" inside "users"? Might take a few minutes but could be your solution. It appears that, for some reason, your "default.ini" is resetting "settings.ini" each time you start up the sim.
1. Save a copy of your default.ini from "users" in a location of your choice.
2. Save a copy of the settings.ini from "users/doe"
3. Delete the settings.ini from "users/doe". A new copy will be generated when the game is fired up next time.
4. Make a copy of "default.ini" in a work location. Manually edit the assorted commands you wish to change and "save".
5. Place this renamed file into "Users" and let it overwrite , or delete the original from Users first and simply drop the revised file in. Delete/replace might help avoid Vista undoing the changes.
6. It will build a new "settings.ini" in your "doe" folder on the next game startup.
In "Users'. be sure the all.ini format is:
- doe xxx XXXXXX xxxx (Note:this line is indented 2 spaces in your ini)
0(Note: this zero is indented 2 spaces in your ini)
x is your first and last name, X is your pilot name. Number of characters will vary to fit.
This worked for me, but that's no guarantee it will for you. You do have a copy of the original files saved if needed.