Somebody had too much beer last night?

Yeah, the slope is a problem. Of course so are quays that sit atop the land with no ramps down since the land meets the water on the level 99.9999% of the time.

If we had those reskinned in some way to make them look less fancy on the railing (or no rail at all), you can place buildings along the them to break it up.

Another thought is to reskin some of the kronstadt city pieces...


It's really marvellous SPUD !!!

The damaged Tanker could be reskined in rust ship to simulate abandoned wreck. It's very common on Pacific coast during WW2.
Really good work !!

And for Norvegian coastal ship, is it an IL2 screen ?

I've made none of this, I'm just cheerleading Big Grin

Regarding the coaster, yeah, it's a WIP shot Ian posted in his thread at ubi about the Norway map. I guess it never got put in. Was sent to oleg, too.


Little summary of things possible.

1. Objects from Objects category ( these are the ones you can put in actors) can only be cloned and retextured, no changes in their shape possible at the moment.

2. It's possible to use parts from other categories and use it as Objects as long as they are single mesh objects.

3. Smokes, Vehicles, Ships can be cloned, transformed, retextured, parts can be added or removed (Armament included ).

4. Ships sinking time can be changed.

5. Smoke from stacks is tied to mesh, can't be removed at the moment, adding new hooks for smoke maybe possible. That's a problem for changing CVE into CVL, it wouldn't be good to CVL with 4 smoke stacks as CVE, IMO of course.

I need skinners for ships, that's something I can't do. I have found web page with color schemes for USN and another one with RGB values for USN colors. So skinners don't have to do the investigations, only skinning.


FC Wrote:5. Smoke from stacks is tied to mesh, can't be removed at the moment, adding new hooks for smoke maybe possible. That's a problem for changing CVE into CVL, it wouldn't be good to CVL with 4 smoke stacks as CVE, IMO of course.

Thanks for all the hard work FC. As for the smoke, as far as I'm concerned, it would be a small price to pay for a close approximation of the San Jacinto. Please don't let that deter you from doing it. There are other, far more glaring errors in this game that are right in your face, and they haven't ruined the experience. I don't think that a minor detail like the location of the stacks will bother very many people. :wink:

I agree, we appreciate anything you can do.

Quote:Little summary of things possible.

Onya FC,

Thx for the info, good work Smile

Cheers, Neil Smile

well FC....if you can increase all ship sinking times by a factor of ten...I'll be a happy bunny

I take it this is a global setting...if it could be set differently for different classes of ship that would be fantastic

Yeah, a factor of 10 for smaller ships, and bigger ones perhaps a factor of 100 since I think 90 seconds is about the most any of them last.

fabianfred Wrote:well FC....if you can increase all ship sinking times by a factor of ten...I'll be a happy bunny

I take it this is a global setting...if it could be set differently for different classes of ship that would be fantastic

There are two groups of ships,currently I'm making global change for one but I believe that there are some individual parameters that can add variety.

Few pictures:

[Image: th_72312_grab0000_122_858lo.jpg][Image: th_72313_grab0001_122_804lo.jpg][Image: th_72319_grab0002_122_734lo.jpg][Image: th_72325_grab0003_122_1132lo.jpg]
[Image: th_72330_grab0004_122_772lo.jpg][Image: th_72588_grab0005_122_903lo.jpg][Image: th_72593_grab0006_122_369lo.jpg][Image: th_72601_grab0007_122_460lo.jpg][Image: th_72608_grab0008_122_942lo.jpg]


I've been after this for soooooooo long.... :lol: :lol:

only two more real wants left after this one.........delay start for the lights/smoke/fire objects

and mission long lasting shell/bomb craters

FC, you are genius and beyond ..... fantastic Big Grin


First time i've really looked at this post some great stuff here - are we anywhere near getting some downloads ?


been quiet here for a while....... any news FC..??

fabianfred Wrote:been quiet here for a while....... any news FC..??

There is nothing new, i have encoded new ships in game and I have to add them and their properties in couple of text files. Very boring job so I took a little break from modding and was doing other things.

I plan to make Ships & Life pack which will include new ships and people objects. Both are already coded in game so I need to create properties for them.



Tanker group is finished completely except skins.

Tral0 ___I'll probably just change size slightly for this group, skins needed

Destroyer0 ___not sure what to do here,for first release probably just clones with different skin
DestroyerDmg _______same thing as damaged tanker
DestroyerWreck ___similar as damaged, it will be available only as stationary to eliminate smoke from stacks

Fisherman ____ Without small fisherman boats you can't make convincing Mediterranean map :lol:

Carrier0 ___probably just longer CVE to simulate CVL, new skin
Carrier1 __same

SmallWreck ___same as other wrecks but with one of the smaller ships as basis

Transport0 __different sizes and shapes for this group, armament on some, skins
TransDmg __same as tanker
TransWreck __same as other wrecks

People 1-10

This objects are in their essence vehicles that looks like people. So their movement and behavior is same as vehicles. This is serious limitation but it's possible to achieve good effect with careful mission building.

There will be couple of single person objects and couple of two person objects. Reason for this is in the way vehicles move in game. With object that would consist of plenty of humans there would be very unnatural movement during heading change.

Vehicles are turning around their center during heading change and if you have plenty of humans those in center will turn in place but those on the edges will instantly make huge change ,depending how far from center they are.

There will be few invisible people objects which will have soldiers attached to them so when you get close to them these soldiers will start running. Nice effects possible with careful mission building.

Creating columns of people objects should be possible, didn't try this yet but I don't see any possible problem for that.

Sink times for ships will be changed too, I have some other things on my mind too but I will release Beta as soon as possible and than add or change things after I get feedback from users.


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