zip_Alpen Beta2 available!

zipzapp, would you be interested in some pictures and a layout sketch for Ainring arfield used by JV44?

Yes. i'm interested, but i also want to encourage you to build them by your own and send them to me, i will include them. As i read, one can place groundplates etc. also with the FMB+. I will add taxi points etc. if necessary.

I'm still very busy with the dammed loading error of my complete map. Try to write a tool for that, but thats not easy and every test needs about 17 hours computing time.

Hi zipzapp,

great ongoings!

as already stated by others, you might need to realighn or remove some woods in front of the runways taht possibly hold 262s, in Munchen and in augsurg as well, AI crashes in there. also, from what I have seen, there are trees in the road right where you placed the airstrip on the Autobahn between Augsburg and Munich, you might want to take a look at that.

Well, i had some problems integrating railway stations into my map and tried a few weeks to solve this. I failed, the full map still doesn't run ;-(. So i decided to publish a version 1.0 with only a few stations in the biggest towns and some other changes on textures (indluding the rocky texture), airports etc.

The problem seems to be that the actors.static-tool doesn't sort the entrys of the inbuildings.txt. May be, that's why it's called "lite." It also seems that the game can handle only a limited number and kinds of such entrys. They are resulting from joining different building files like the autopop file with the airport file, the bridges file and other spezial buildings files. It also doesn't help to include the related objects within splitted autopop files. Extracting, editing and rejoining such files seems not to give the propper sorting at large. It also seems to be not only a question of the number of such wrong sorted entrys but also a question of their dispersal over a map. The problem seems to occur however only with very big actor.statics, although it's not a matter of the total number of objects. Interisting enough, much bigger files run if they are created with the autopop tool alone. That's confusing.

I wrote a lot of different programs to resort the inbuildings.txt, but nothing helped. I didn't found out how the original program sorts the entrys. There seems to be some order, but it's far from beeing clear to me. My be i am on the wrong track here.

Any idea to solve the problem? Till now nearly all published mod map are nearly unpopulated but i think, there are one or two maps coming that may have the same problem.

Zipzapp, I don't understand what's your problem, please tell me what you try to do in a systematic way and what errors you get...
What means "actors.static-tool doesn't sort the entrys of the inbuildings.txt"?
Hm, it's true I've a couple of beers already, maybe that's why? Anyway I'll try to help :wink:

It's that memory-error-thing ... If you look at a maping-fmb generated actors.static after outacting it you will note that the building-entrys are, to say it very generalized, sorted from the upper right to the lower left of a map (But it looks different in little) . If you add objects with the mapping-fmb and "save", the entrys will be resorted.

But if you add new objects by joinig some inBuildings.txt files and use the actors.static-tool, there will be no sorting. The objects will still have the same arrangement as in the joined inbuildings.txt.

I think that's the problem, also i still don't understand many aspects of the matter. So it seems to be no problem to delete objects in splitted actors.static files (after outacting a runnig big actors.static, splitting it, acting the splits e.t.c.), for example when clearing roads and water. But there is a problem, when you add objects as i did it with my stations. The rejoined file didn't run in this case. So i extracted the stations (Wrote a program doing that). But when joning the extracted file with the other files the game also did not run.

It seems not to be a question of the number af added objects alone. In my beta2 i used a spezial file for the big Citys (About 50.000 objects alone; i mad a seperate file, because population is halfed here) and when joining it with the autopop file and the airport-, venice- and bridges-file it ran, but not when also including the stations file(only 18.000 objects or so). So i included the big citys with the others within one autopop generated file, but after joining it with the other files it still didn't run. Thats why i think it's also a question of the dislocation of the added objects (The big citys ar some big packages, the stations are a lot of small packages over a wide area).

The game runs with all files, if the autopop file is downsized. But it must be halfed (about a million objects less), so that's no solution.

It's very confusing, but i think it's the sorting problem. The actors tool does not have the full functionality of the original fmb-saving tool. I worte several resorting programms, but none worked. I still don't know what algorithm the game uses for sorting.

Have any of you fine gentlemen made a QMB set for this map yet ? Any chance of sharing it with us if you have ?

Wonderful map !!

We in our squad tested the map yesterday, it's reallt good, one of my squadmates from Trieste was impressed by the realism and accuracy of the city and its surroundings...
Good job!

I am getting this error when i try to load alpen map.

map2d not found in 'maps/zip_alpen/zip_alpen-load.ini

i did add the line as per instructions to the all ini in the mods/mapmods/maps folder but ive not done it correctly i guess can anyone help with this problem

Just a thought- try re-installing it and report back. That happens to me sometimes with beta maps and sometimes it solves the issue.

Good luck


Triad773 Wrote:Just a thought- try re-installing it and report back. That happens to me sometimes with beta maps and sometimes it solves the issue.

Good luck


ok ill do that and give a report tommorow. ty

You may have installed the map to a wrong folder, i assume. Just wait until tomorrow, there will be an "official" download in the map mods section with an easy installer.

Nice Zip Zapp! Will missions made with the Beta 2 map still work?



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