P-47 Thunderbolt cockpit modding references and discussion

Excellent Work Taurus Big Grin

The radio equipment texturing is so crisp, it almost look like a photograph of the real thing.

Thanks Poncho,

Got some more long renders for textures on the D done today. Not too many more to be done now.

Definitely in before Santa! 8)

I can finally start flying th Jug soon. Big Grin

A wip on the instruments.

(A big thank you to Arcana over at x-plane.org for his excellent instrument utility program.)



Most excellent work, taurus. And MG always claimed such a high standard for models! You guys have redefined the benchmark.

Very good work Smile

Will you try and get the right font for the gauges or leave it as it is now?

TY! I have searched high and low for the correct fonts without an exact match yet. It appears that there are 3 distinct fonts used by the instrument manufacturers as you would see in the numbers 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 on the dial face. Beta version one will be a close font just to get it done. Version two will be much closer again I hope.



great work taurus. It's really looking beautimus. I can't wait for teh final product. I know it's a ways away but still...wow!

taurus Wrote:TY! I have searched high and low for the correct fonts without an exact match yet. It appears that there are 3 distinct fonts used by the instrument manufacturers as you would see in the numbers 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 on the dial face. Beta version one will be a close font just to get it done. Version two will be much closer again I hope.



DIN is a close match. Specifically 1451 Mittelschrift.

Kinda funny considering its a German font from the 1940's

[Image: Picture3.jpg]

Thanks for your input shakthemac 8) but I did look into the DIN fonts. It is so very close but needs modification to work. I am planing on replicated the numbers straight off the image in Beta version two but that takes too much time. We are hoping to release the pits as soon as we can so authentic versions must do for the moment.



An update of wip on the D.

Looking for decent hi res pics of fractured glass for the damaged instruments...





look under windows/ other

looking great, really waiting for this one

Thanks bolox, exactly what I was after.



Amazing progress!

I'm sure you guys have everything well sorted out but this WIP screenshot from the other page got my attention:
http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj55 ... _pic02.jpg

It looks like a bubbletop crockpit with a flap equalizer added to the pilot's right floor. If so, according to P-47D training manual AAF 50-5 this would be inaccurate:

Series prior to the D-10 contain a hydraulic flap equalizer. When the flaps are equalized--that is, when they raise and lower evenly--a plunger on the forward end of the cylincer extends between 5/16 and 3/4 inches.
Link to page.

A copy of the Pilot's Flight Operating Instructions that essentially covers every razorback variant used during the war (the bubbletops starting with the D-25 series were already in production) describes as such:

(9) WING FLAP CONTROL.--The wing flaps are actuated by engine hydraulic pressure with provision for emergency hand-pump operation. They are actuated by means of the flap control switch (figure 9-2). The pressure on the flaps is equalized by means of the hydraulic equalizer valve located on the floor to the right of the pilot's seat. (See figure 10.) This valve insures that the two flaps come down or go up together.

Figure 10--Hydraulic Equalizer Valve--(Equalizer Discontinued on P-47D-10 and subsequent models.)

* Figure 10 is a small photograph of the equalizer.
** Figure 9-2 shows controls on the crockpit's left wall.
Link to page.

Finally, I'm not able to see any evidence of the equalizer valve in the the P-47D-25 through D-35 PFOI, or in photographs of bubbletop crockpits.

If I've misinterpreted the screenshot, forgive me. Also, it is obvious that you have put a lot of effort into researching for accuracy so perhaps you have evidence that proves my argument wrong.

Thanks Shadowgravy for your excellent reference again. The flap equaliser will be removed from the bubbletops. (Easy enough to put back in if new evidence comes to light.)



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