P-47 Thunderbolt cockpit modding references and discussion

While finally getting to shoot something this year to test the instrument damage textures, I had set up a sunset attack on some panzers with just about all the new textures in place for the D, all I can say it was a real eye opener... Cry

The specularity in ALL the mat files were way too high, with the textures in direct sunlight washing out to bright orange/red for evening, 100% white in mid-day sunlight.

I would recommend that the specularity setting in all the pit mats be set to 0.0 (No light reflection.)

If you do want some colour reflection such as at sunset then 0.01 would be more than enough. Secondary glass textures would be okay with current specularity. (Personal preferences of course.)

ALL the .mat files for the P-47's have to be changed to the new values... :roll:

It will help the "white-out" problem but I haven't seen a fix for the "black-out" yet.

Hope this is of some help.



EDIT: An example. Left is panel.mat at specularity of 0.5 - Right is 0.01

Other mats are as is and not corrected. Notice the nice light reflections on the outside frame though.


Er.......well I prefer the one on the left. I always liked this reflection effect, even if it isn't totally realistic. It reminds you that the light in IL2 world is fairly dynamic.

I had the same problem with the repaint that I'm doing. The panel and floor would go stark white when the sun hit it at the right angle. The settings below worked for me on the Floor.mat:

Ambient 0.8
Diffuse 0.7
Specular 0.1 ////////////////////////default was 4, 0.1 is less reflective
SpecularPow 16
Shine 0.0

Fly_zo posted a very clever method recently of adding a glass overlay to instruments. I was hoping to find a way of matting down all other surfaces, but give the glass a much higher specularity. It would give a really good effect if it can be done...

Specularity doesn’t go alone, it goes with SpecularPow. SpecularPow determines how big lighting spot is. And two of that in combination gives "lighting". The bigger the number gives smaller lighting spot. That panel have to big lighting spot (or small in numbers). I made that mistake on Spitfires, but on Spitfire MkI I made it better. Setting Ambient and Diffuse below 1 gives you poorer "contrast" and too much black color.

I would go for that panel something like this (or similar) It’s good to experiment with various Specular and SpecularPow settings.

Ambient 0.75
Diffuse 1.25
Specular 0.2
SpecularPow 32
Shine 0.0

You can’t have separated glass reflections for instruments with setting specularity. You can try, but contrast between files where instruments are and where are panel would be very funny. Bear in mind that il2 has no light and shadow at all. That specularity is not dynamic light. No difference between tank, tree, plane or cockpit instrument panel. Instruments glass reflection that Fly_zo used are painted, nothing to do with these specularity settings.

It seems to me that keeping specular at 0.1 and reducing specular power to a much smaller level (like 4) usually eliminates white out. Reflectivity is much reduced but still present.

Just my opinion, but I will defer to Bee and Avala's expertise on this.

k, many thanks for the help 8) .

Will leave it and finish of the other textures first and leave these adjustments for beta, each to their own tastes.



taurus.....if you want some fun testing, I'll have this out soon:

[Image: Razorback.jpg]

Excellent Phil_k, really looking forward to flying this.



In case anyone misses it, the Beta P-47 Thunderbolt cockpits have been released.




Like we'd miss that event!!!! It's like the Moon Landing and where were you when JFK was shot, all rolled into one!

Thanks for the amazing work, cheers, MP.

OMG!!! how did I miss it??? Of course my game has been down for 2 weeks now too. Taurus....ty ty ty

Awesome work on the beta pit, looks bad ass, Just so you know, I have a new gunsite (few pages back) if you want it!

FlushMeister Wrote:Awesome work on the beta pit, looks bad ass, Just so you know, I have a new gunsite (few pages back) if you want it!

You mean this one? Love it.

[Image: gunsite3.jpg]

Where can I download that gunsight reticle? That's amazing work FlushMeister!

The reticle will be available in the final release! bare with me a while hehehe Smile

[Image: P47_wip_001.jpg]

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