
cgagan Wrote:Excellent work! No problems with d/l and installation. Thank you so much
P.S. Any clues regarding the "G6bug" (whenever I select that model the game crashes to the desktop; nothing to do with this mod, it's an old and ongoing story)

just troubleshoot that. first disable all the mods and see if it still happens. then you will know if it is a mod or not (to disable mods just move mod and files folder out of your game directory.
your game will be in russian, but you can check if it works.

let us know after that what happened, and we can trouble shoot further. Post this over at SAS in techhelp, then we can hunt it down together.

In version 1.3, does the new G-6 (early) use the G-6 (erla) FM or the stock 1C G-6 FM? All I see mentioned is that the G-6 (early) is a visual mod. Thanks for this awesome update. I've been waiting for an early G-14 without K-4 wing bulges and with MG-151 for years.

BaronFel181 Wrote:In version 1.3, does the new G-6 (early) use the G-6 (erla) FM or the stock 1C G-6 FM? All I see mentioned is that the G-6 (early) is a visual mod. Thanks for this awesome update. I've been waiting for an early G-14 without K-4 wing bulges and with MG-151 for years.


BaronFel: The G-6 early visual mod is simply a visual mod. DM/FM/WM are forbidden on stock aircraft, I've simply adjusted a few visual aspects to make the default G6 more historic.

aaah, I see what you mean, I was thinking of the trop. My appologies Baron!

When I loaded these up,I went to the 109G6Trop loadout screen in the QMB,and I got the regular loadouts in the new version,but also got the following:

U3 Mk108
R5 Mk108
U3R6 MG151/20

I just wondered if there was a conflict somewhere.I also have the Hot Rod 109's installed,as well. :-?

Thanks for the info Anto. For some reason I thought the new G-6 without the trop filter was a new slot plane.

rickster Wrote:When I loaded these up,I went to the 109G6Trop loadout screen in the QMB,and I got the regular loadouts in the new version,but also got the following:

U3 Mk108
R5 Mk108
U3R6 MG151/20

I just wondered if there was a conflict somewhere.I also have the Hot Rod 109's installed,as well. :-?

search your mods folder for files called ' 903C266EAE4211E8 '

If you find 2, then one is the new G6trop, one is the old one. The old one moust be removed.

I found the old one,and deleted it,reinstalled the mod,and still get the loadout problem.Where else could this file be?

I ran the search and found only one in the G6Trop,dated 10/7/2008.I'm thinking this might be the older one,the same one I downloaded off the 2 sites(mirrors).

hang ten, you may have uncovered something here...I'll be back in 5 minutes.

haha! Dude, you spotted one. 10 points for you!

Anto must have droped the old classfile into the download by mistake. I am sure he will update the downloads when he sees this, but in the meantime, here is the new classfile for the 109 G6 trop. Replace the old one with it.


Thanks,Cirx,that did the trick,maybe Anto can add it to his next upgrade. 8)

Ahh I'm an idiot Tongue I'll just post the correct classfile for now on the frontpage, but in the next release (where I'll have the LODs/smoothing groups fixed) I'll include it.

Hi everybody,
I'm having what seems to be a graphics problem with the Bf-109 G-6 early:
With this mod active my bf-109 G6 early has the tip of the tail missing (this only happens with the g6 early model, other g6's work just fine). Without the mod i get the regular g-6 with the tall tail. Am I missing something here? Is there some previous mod that i need have installed? Is there some incompatibilty issue with other mods that anybody knows of? (I disabled HotRod_G6 mod, but the problem still persists).
This pic is with the G6 earlymod active:

http://s873.photobucket.com/albums/ab29 ... 6early.jpg

This is with the G6 early mod inactive:

http://s873.photobucket.com/albums/ab29 ... 6early.jpg

Any help will be appreciated. Regards,

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