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Modern Jet Fighters

come on, Cnopi...broaden your horizons a bit, mate....where is it carved in stone that we must only have WW2 planes?
think back a bit to the early days of mods, when it was only WW2 stuff. Then guys said we must just stick to WW2.
Then came CK, and suddenly it was ok to include WW1 planes.....then came Korea, and these guys then said, ok, its alright to have WW1 AND Korea. So, where does it end? And, for that matter, why should it end?
I don't see any reason why modern planes can't be in the game, especially if they can be made to work properly....
limiting yourself goes against the grain of modding, in genereal. I don't see why IL2 can't become the new Century of Flight...especially as there aren't any other sims around that can do this at the moment....considering MS's withdrawal from flight simming...why shouldn't IL2 take up the mantle to become the greatest flight sim ever, and not just the greatest WW2 flight sim ever?
I support anything like this, but obviously ONLY if the planes can be properly represented with regards FM performance, controls and avionics, etc.
Hats off to guys who are prepared to give this a go.... :wink:

bigbossmalone Wrote:come on, Cnopi...broaden your horizons a bit, mate....where is it carved in stone that we must only have WW2 planes?
think back a bit to the early days of mods, when it was only WW2 stuff. Then guys said we must just stick to WW2.
Then came CK, and suddenly it was ok to include WW1 planes.....then came Korea, and these guys then said, ok, its alright to have WW1 AND Korea. So, where does it end? And, for that matter, why should it end?
I don't see any reason why modern planes can't be in the game, especially if they can be made to work properly....
limiting yourself goes against the grain of modding, in genereal. I don't see why IL2 can't become the new Century of Flight...especially as there aren't any other sims around that can do this at the moment....considering MS's withdrawal from flight simming...why shouldn't IL2 take up the mantle to become the greatest flight sim ever, and not just the greatest WW2 flight sim ever?
I support anything like this, but obviously ONLY if the planes can be properly represented with regards FM performance, controls and avionics, etc.
Hats off to guys who are prepared to give this a go.... :wink:
When did I say something about only WWII planes? Never. When have you trusted owl?

heheh...i've never trusted that owl dude... :wink:
personally, i don't think this is him, i doubt he has the knowledge to import planes into IL2.
last i heard, i'm sure he was trying to make a 'furry pink dice' mod for his cockpit/dashboard, to go with his tinted :lol:

I am not this OWL guy you are mentioning, I have been modding for some time but I didn't post on this forum until a friend suggested i asked for help. I am still experimenting with modding, but I guess I came to the wrong place for help.

For anyone who will support this and is able to help leave a private message

I know this modder, and i will help.... mach 2.5 and some weapons are no more a problem....

i'll do Fm and weapons for this baby if themodeler accept my help and little knowledge ;:)

Ofcourse, Thank you for the help Mr Josse

It seems we never learn the lessons of history. The American Govt. tried to ban alcoholic drinks, "prohibition" was a complete failure. As far as I am concerned guys can put up any MOD they wish for off-line use. If I don't like it then I won't download it ... simple. This should be a community - not a commune.

The more I see the

"we" (meaning this is the personal opinion of the person writing the post) do not want this sort of thing here"

the more I tend to side with Owl & Co. (and I never thought I would say that)

Live and let live guys - this is a simulation not real life - nobody gets killed here ............ yet :lol:


Well the F-16 model looks nice, but who wants to have planes like THIS in a WWII sim?Even if the game allowed supersonic speed, I hardly know someone who would fly the F-16 instead of a Mustang in this sim.

I think the main question remains: Is IL-2 capable of handling supersonic speeds in the FMs of the aircraft, the mechanics of radar and guided missiles, or not? If not, there is no point to incorporate these aircraft, if so, go ahead, why not? The only argument I have ever seen to this end was someone claiming that he reached 1200 km/h in a C-47, which I would call a good argument AGAINST it working (in reality no aircraft COULD. not DID, break the sound barrier before the X-1, aerodynamics are against that)!

Basically. SevenOfNine or Josse, could you point us to a source that shows that it works, please? I think it would be great, if it were true and indeed, I do not see why mods that ARE possible should not be done. I agree, however, that mods that are NOT possible are a waste of time and resources and the constant demand for them must be both annoying and disheartening for the very dedicated people who work hard on the doable mods and only hear what ELSE people want. Point in case, the endless requests for very very marginal and rather dubious aircraft (that are, strangely, always the favourite of the requesting party, even if everybody else barely heard of them before, as though that justified why they want it and, if possible, NOW). I say, appreciate their hard work (from what I read, thousands of hours in some cases), be patient, and let them decide what they wish to create (if they are looking for ideas, I am sure they will ask). They are the ones that make this one of the most fun, active and extensive flight sims out there, not those that come up with one new request for them after the other.

And btw, the prohibition could be used a good example to argue the exact opposite.... Once something is done, it cannot be undone again (see American Prohibition going against 10,000 years of alcohol consumption), but you can stop something before it becomes an issue (the prohibition against alcohol in the islamic world). Just a thought ..... :-D

To those who are talking about modern jets v. mustangs: It's called playing around in single player. Again, let him go for it. I didn't have a problem with Owl before he was banned. I'd say we should stop being so conservative about these mods and let him do it. There aren't many good quality modern flight sims out there (believe me... lock on wasn't that goof) so if they can work this out, I'd gladly download them.

My god, why dont you simply let him do? When he makes an F-15 wit F-84 FM it would be totaly unrealistic but still fun to fly. My god if someone want's this?
If you want you could forbidd it but he has it almost INGAME

To be honest, I don't care wether you want it or not. It's my life, My time, my game and I'm building it. You don't want it it, Don't download it. SIMPLE AS.

Cool tell if you need any assistance Wink

The site stated the models were free for you to do what ever you want with as long as you don't make a profit.

buchtik Wrote:Well the F-16 model looks nice, but who wants to have planes like THIS in a WWII sim?Even if the game allowed supersonic speed, I hardly know someone who would fly the F-16 instead of a Mustang in this sim.

I've been working on a theoretical concept with the JSGME that would allow us to have modern jets without interfering with WWII, WWI, and Korean conflicts.

GJE52 Wrote:the more I tend to side with Owl & Co. (and I never thought I would say that)

I'll never side with Owl. He wants Star Trek. I think as a matter of respect, we should stick to REAL WORLD aircraft and concepts.

As for game capability... Wasn't it only a few months ago that we said supersonic flight was impossible? Look what happened when we brought up the fact that the Saber could hit mach 1.

We can point a weapon in IL-2, right? There we go. Laser guided bombs. We have radar in a few planes, right? EARLY not so effective AIM-7 Sparrows. I don't know about heat seekers, but time will tell.

I'll now be working with themodeler and giving him any support I can.

This is Wings Over Europe: Cold War Gone Hot.

This is Wings Over Israel

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