01.10.2010, 01:53
Yeh Modding is just a hobby, AFAIK even Team Daidalos is not being payed to do their 4.10 Patch, it is in their own free time because they like the Sim and would like to see it's continued promising development.
Aracno Wrote:If the model will be done in the correct way, TD may include it in a future patch, but TD has nothing to do with donation campaign.
Aracno Wrote:If the model will be done in the correct way, TD may include it in a future patch, but TD has nothing to do with donation campaign.
RadPig94 Wrote:the only thing i think that would cost money is something like 3DS, which should be at the expense of the creator not the forumWhich could be well replaced by other, cheaper progs. 3DSmax is insanely expensive, but to do a mod, a good mod, a mod that can't be overlooked, you won't need that.
RadPig94 Wrote:the only thing i think that would cost money is something like 3DS, which should be at the expense of the creator not the forum