MOD for DGen.exe?

I'd like this idea a lot! My project for China Theatre campaings is paralised because the only suitable map is the Burma map now. I'd like to have some European map to use as a China map (or the Manchuria map). I'd like to add the new maps (Nomonhan, for example), and the possibility of making all the planes flyable in a campaing. I'd like also to make flyable in some campaings some of the "hack planes" I have in campaings (I-185 as Ki-44, Ki-27 as Fokker D-XXI, etc). I'd also like to add the new flyable planes.
I know there is DCG, but I'd like to stay in DGEN. I don't like the "a pilot/squad winning the war" idea. If there is a DCG tuning to make the campaings overcome historically, I would change for DCG

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