MOD for DGen.exe?

ojcar Wrote:Scharnhorst, what I don't like in DCG is the possibility of winning the war alone. If it is realistic, Rudel or Hartmann would win the war alone. I like DGEN for the frustration too. The war is the same with or without me, and my only goal is to survive.... It's my playing style, I think. But if someone teaches me to tuning DCG for historical overcome, I'll try it.

Well I wouldbe willing to show not only you, but I could start a DCG thread on how to set it up and tweak it to that on just about every map the historical outcome is achieved. If you or anyone else is willing. I am actually working on my own DCG campaigns that will replace the stock ones. There might be historical inacuracies in the maps themselves, but anyone could correct them and my maps would follow a "more so" historical outcome. I guess I could tweak my own campaign and maybe release it? Either way, I would STILL need to show all involved how to tweak DCG. It is not even that hard either, just maybe slightly time consuming.

Thoughts, opinions, questions?

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