War in Lapland 44-45!

I am sucking Big Time :twisted: I cant load my maps to FMB. I have created a new folder G:\ohjelmat\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Files\maps\Kt_test. I can even put some other modded maps, like Fly_zoConfused Normandy and they are opening fine. When i put my Kt_test_map c and h tgaConfused to folder i get Load.ini error. Do i had to add some commands somewere else than all.ini ? Filelist maybe? I also have mods folder and there are some maps too. Should i use that insted? Cant find anything in tutorials section. Only this:
Quote:Extract one of the existing maps - like Online 9a into your maps folder and then change the foldername to something unique "RD_Test"

go to all.ini

add a line --

RD_Test RD_Test/load.ini

Now if you go into FMB you should see your new map RD_Test in the Load Map options.

Now you can change the files in your RD_Test folder

Your SRTM data will become map_h

You can use the same image to make map_c -- edit so that all land is white and all sea is black with graded shades at the coastline.

You need to get the map_c compiler tool from Fly_zo -- it comes with instructions

map_c scale is 1 pixel = 50m for 1:1 scale

Decide your scale and use map_c tools disect.bat to create your map_c

I have left out a step but that can come later.

Now whatever size your original map_c image was the other need to be 1/4 of that

So change your map_h image to be 1/4 map_c

Edit other image files to be same size as map_h

That's enough for now -- try and get so that you can load that in FMB
The textures will be odd but that can be sorted later.

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