14.08.2010, 21:30
Korrigan Wrote:It is possible to save skins in IL2 format with GIMP: go to "Colors" menu and choose "Posterize". Set the posterize levels to 256 (max). Then go to "Colors" menu and choose "Mode" and "Indexed". Select "Generate optimum palette" and set Maximum number of colors to 256 (default). Set the Color dithering to one of the Floyd-Steinberg algorythms and click "Convert". You can then save your skin in BMP format compatible with IL2.
While you can save skins in Il-2 format with Gimp, Photo Shop, and Paint Shop Pro, you will see much more color degradation saving them in indexed mode than by saving them in 32bit and then using Bright to convert them.
If you like, try it for yourself. It is especially noticeable when working with vibrant colors like bright reds, yellows and blues.