09.07.2008, 19:01
RAF_Leigh is referring to the settings box which you can adjust in the FMB
the rate of fire is 1 by default ....but for a BB or CV that makes for a huge hail of lead...so to make a mission playable we often need to reduce it
a setting of 10 means it takes ten times as long to reload ...at 100 it virtually never fires
but there are more detailed settings in the Technics.ini and ships.ini which data alters number of rounds available per gun/ reload times/ whether it can fire on the move or must stop (for tanks)/ maximum range / angle of travel/speed of turret rotation/etc.
the rate of fire is 1 by default ....but for a BB or CV that makes for a huge hail of lead...so to make a mission playable we often need to reduce it
a setting of 10 means it takes ten times as long to reload ...at 100 it virtually never fires
but there are more detailed settings in the Technics.ini and ships.ini which data alters number of rounds available per gun/ reload times/ whether it can fire on the move or must stop (for tanks)/ maximum range / angle of travel/speed of turret rotation/etc.