zip_Alpen Beta2 available!

It's that memory-error-thing ... If you look at a maping-fmb generated actors.static after outacting it you will note that the building-entrys are, to say it very generalized, sorted from the upper right to the lower left of a map (But it looks different in little) . If you add objects with the mapping-fmb and "save", the entrys will be resorted.

But if you add new objects by joinig some inBuildings.txt files and use the actors.static-tool, there will be no sorting. The objects will still have the same arrangement as in the joined inbuildings.txt.

I think that's the problem, also i still don't understand many aspects of the matter. So it seems to be no problem to delete objects in splitted actors.static files (after outacting a runnig big actors.static, splitting it, acting the splits e.t.c.), for example when clearing roads and water. But there is a problem, when you add objects as i did it with my stations. The rejoined file didn't run in this case. So i extracted the stations (Wrote a program doing that). But when joning the extracted file with the other files the game also did not run.

It seems not to be a question of the number af added objects alone. In my beta2 i used a spezial file for the big Citys (About 50.000 objects alone; i mad a seperate file, because population is halfed here) and when joining it with the autopop file and the airport-, venice- and bridges-file it ran, but not when also including the stations file(only 18.000 objects or so). So i included the big citys with the others within one autopop generated file, but after joining it with the other files it still didn't run. Thats why i think it's also a question of the dislocation of the added objects (The big citys ar some big packages, the stations are a lot of small packages over a wide area).

The game runs with all files, if the autopop file is downsized. But it must be halfed (about a million objects less), so that's no solution.

It's very confusing, but i think it's the sorting problem. The actors tool does not have the full functionality of the original fmb-saving tool. I worte several resorting programms, but none worked. I still don't know what algorithm the game uses for sorting.

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