12.10.2008, 17:43
fly_zo Wrote:Chaoic16 Wrote:I need to know if I am banned by accident? I have been unable to get an access to this forum via my computer anymore. I am using my phone internet to go into this internet. ???
nope , you are not on ban list nor your usual ip addresses .... just checked
must be at your end ( or your IPS)
I am finally back and I thank you for letting me know what went on. I just found out that form went down temporarilyi. I am so relief to be able to come back here and log in successfully.
Th!rdeye Wrote:These what if planes never flew because they sucked. If they were good, they would have been operational.
Why would we include phased out planes into the game? For a "what if" campaign? If WWII never ended in 45, then i would bet my life that their would be a whole new set of experimental planes and operational planes in the sky. Because that didnt happen, their is NO way you can predict what would have been made. Too many variables to consider.
These experimental planes are just that. Experiments. You do not buy a experiment for your house, you buy a tested and operational product. Same goes for aircraft.
That is not completely true, they experimented several aircrafts for different purposes. Not every experiment aircraft are craps. I would alway go for adding experimental and 'what if' aircraft to see how would they have affected the history of WWII campaign. And that is why I kept saying, we dont ever know how would have these experimental and 'what if' planes that didnt have a chance in WWII affect the war until they are used in WWII in simulator. Therefore giving it 'an alternative' history realistically.
There are so many of warplanes that have not ever been in service and now with the tools that are needed to find aerodynamic data exists out there now. Which is why I said, nothing is impossible and it is alway unwise to dismiss the chance to not to experience something unique virtually. This IL-2 simulator is one of perfect engine that would offer it.
Chaoic out...