A tale of death, a patching, and a few missing files.

Today, I was looking at the Darwin map, and saw "4.09 patch", and thought it a g ood idea to download it. I downloaded and installed it, and IL2 would not load oast 95%. Fretting, I re-installed 4.08, whihc did nothing but muck it up even more. Four hours of twiddling later, I decided to get some files from a version I have on my other computer, some backups on my USB and the original files from the mucked up version, and patched them together in the D drive. It now works fine. But I can't seem to find any of my saved quick missions. When I go to see the "Quick" folder, all I get is "BoBBlueAirbase00" etc. No .quick files :!:
Where do I find this?
Another problem facing me is that I canno change the display settings in the "display modes" menu. I need to turn off stencil buffer, but It's not working?
As you can tell, I'm not the most computer literate person, but I managed to patch together a new IL2 version. The reason I did not just re-install is because my friend has the disc, and I could not uninstall for some god-unnkown reason!
Any help?

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