Mission loading failure in modded campaigns

Hello again,

Thank you to all those who offered suggestions and advice in regard to a mission loading failure I had with two modded campaigns. Since your latest replies I have checked to make sure that the infantry mod is installed correctly. Nonetheless, I still get the same error message "Mesh3do/humans/Paratroopers/Russia/mono.sim not created" on several missions from the FEAF campaign and the Magyar-Jabo campaign.
I have opened the relevant mis. files in word-pad, but they don't seem to contain any lines with "paratroopers," "mesh," or "mono.sim." When I try to open these missions in the full mission builder, the came crashes to desktop.
How many objects should there be in the infantry mod? I have 65. Are there more that I somehow did not get?

Any help with this would be much appreciated.

Thank you,


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