[3DS Max] Help! My file won't open!

This is an issue that I find happens often... I always save any project twice... To help prevent this you can either save your project in a series (ie ProjectA1.max, ProjectA2.max, ProjectA3.Max and so on) or there are pluggins that autosave into a backup file... etc etc... Personally, I save the progressive type so if this happens (I'm upto Whirlwind66 ATM...), or if I stuff up and break something - I can go back to any stage in the build and go from there.

Now, lession over, Max DOES autoback up the saves... Upto 3 in a row... Go to your documents, find the Max folder, in side that there should be a AUTOBACK folder with three .max's in it... One of those, hopefully, should be one of your latest saves.

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