Start-point from taxi-way

I've tried to use runway4 for taxiing purposes but there is a problem: the invisible runway is not at the same level of the surrounding ground so, when you enter the runway you usually break the undercarriage. EASYRIDER is right, at the following link
you will find a mod that reduces the radius of all airfields, allowing to start the mission where ever you want and then taxi to the runway.


I've made some very immersive missions with it, but it hold some problem too, the first of all being the fact that all mission designed without this mod don't work correctly if it is installed and active. You can temporary deactivate it if you want to fly a "normal mission".
Read carefully the posts at the link above, to fully understand how to use the mod in the best way: there are some tricks that are described to build your mission in an effective way.


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