Problem with the XIV solved I think.

I foresee three ways AAA can handle this.

1. leave things as they are (likely)

2. close public access to beta mods downloads forum (access to modders only)

3. new AC installers which edit existing buttons instead of replacing it (cannot police cheat mods)

People will continue to d/l unofficial mods without reading the AAA disclaimer, then post in the same thread that says "this will conflict with unofficial mods" saying they have a conflict with some unofficial mods...

B e t a mods not official. Beta mods conflict. Mods from other site not official. Mods from other site conflict. Official mods all have AC installer. Official mods all in official mods section.

I have the same problem. Everyone has the same problem. I have unofficial mods. Tough luck for me Wink Must solve problem myself, or choose what I have and what I have to throw away. I haven't installed MkXIV yet, I want to, but have to resolve conflict before I do. That's just how it is. You play, you pay.

Cheers, hope I didn't seem mean. Just laying it out there to be informative as clearly as possible.

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