
This has been a good threat. Thank you Mr Urgent. When i first started to make maps, my aim was to make My Lapland as real as it can get. But whilst struggling to learn, my magination started to fly. How about making Starwars map for those uberplanes in 1946 or Anarctic map? I finally made fictional Lapland map with cities that are like from central Europe.LOL. But i foud that mapmaking is fun and decited to carry on. Nowadays i mainly concentrate to certain realism, but i had to admid that there is always a little anarchist in me. I try to put some eastern eggs to my maps for some reason.
Pesronally, i love big realistic maps with historical and geographical places and stuff. But as a map modder myself, i had to teel ya guys, that is almost impossible to achieve 100% results. We must use wrong houses and trees in a wrong places, you know. But fortunelately we humans have something called imagination. With that, i can fly over my fictional Kt_Channel map and feel the BOB, even that i know that is a "useless wonderfull work". And i think that map has served its purpose well. It is the most DL:ed map that i have made. It even managed to MM, and that is something, what im real proud about.
One point more. By using maptools, you can change every excisting map to whatever you like, like rapid climate change. I can make Finns gulf to look desert and desert to jungle very easily.
So keep the maps coming guys

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