[DOWNLOAD] BurmaLower v1.3 & v1.4 map (updated June 5)

My latest version of BurmaLower v1.4 is now available. Here is the link:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/bcbepddd4 ... erV1.4.zip

Also have a Patch for v1.3 named BurmaLower v1.3 Patch which has new files that are included in v1.4 (download this Patch only if you already have v1.3). Here is the link for the Patch:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/n9mywza0d ... 3Patch.zip

v1.4 includes everything that is in the Patch. All files must be manually installed so be sure to put the files in the correct locations.

If you download only v1.4 then you need to have:

1. Delvpier's Mods_Bridges MOD available to download at this link:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/tlbxiit1f ... RIDGES.zip
BurmaLower v1.3 Package has Delvpier's MOD included.

2. Fabianfred's new village texture which can be downloaded here:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/mn4wvnx9y ... exture.zip
Put this new texture file in this sequence: Mods/Mapmods/Maps/Tex/land/summer/fsk_countrymount

Here is a link to all my MEDIAFIRE downloads on one page: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=11eb ... f6e8ebb871

I'm almost finished with a Flying Tigers campaign. It has 24 missions and they'll also be in siingle-player format in the download, coming soon.

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