Eluding dive attack and scissoring

Everyone has their own preferences and knocking another persons settings preference isn't constructive. I'm more interested in learning about differing opinions for and against BillSwagger's (or anyone else's tactics for that matter) and if you don't use this tactic - what do you do instead and why?

Just my 2cents....

Doesn't hurt to have this manouver up your sleave, more devious tricks=longer life hopefully. I do something similar occasionally when jumped, but it certainly ain't recomended when your adversery has a wingman coming in right behind. 1st guy won't even bother trying to make the turn causing a loss in energy, he'll go zooming past and regain alt, wingman has the time to correct his flightpath to compensate...boom - you're toast.

The great open/closed cockpit debate has been going since the very beginning, the fact is, effective open cockpit manouvers ARE very different from those effective in a closed cockpit. Screwing up an enemy's shot in open cockpit involves out performing your opponent's aircraft's abilities, reflexes and skill to prevent him getting a bead on you long enough to put a round into you and if you can - reverse the situation. In a closed cockpit you need to do all of the above plus A) you can't necessarily see him, and definitly won't see him throughout the whole defensive manouver and B) you can use tactics to ensure he looses sight of you long enough to change direction and catch him off balance (quick nose down, roll and scissors often does the trick). That said, you'll still be in trouble if he has a wingman and you don't.

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