ME 334

I'm sorry, that wasn't at all moderate for a moderator.. dot dot dot...

Jokes aside, we all know that the majority of us here agree with Porco, but there are stil lots of us among that majority that actually like to have an imagination as well as getting something new to fly. Something that hasn't been represented in a simulator of this caliber, or any simulator for that matter.

I agree that there are lots of different projects that are essential for the full experience in a ww1/WW2/Korea flightsim, but if he has no interest in creating a plane from such a period, it's his prerogative. After all, it's his time, blood, sweat and tears he'll spend on a project that most probably will end up in the annals of IL-2 as another dead end street...

Don't get me wrong, I don't know the plane, but I'd love to try it, but to actually get something into game that's in a public release standard is a lot of hard work, even for the modders that have been around since the start.


Good luck on your project, and don't forget to keep us posted in the WIP section when the time comes :wink:

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