29.07.2009, 13:02
You know I just had a thought:
for the longest time we had 4,09 beta. Then lots of hints, rumours as to when it would be finally out.
Then more time passed and some assumed that 4,09 would never materialize, but it was 'vapourware.'
Now as it comes out, it's got loads more then people expected, with this new wrinkle of even more add-ons and content, where none was originally planned (or announced).
Here's my point: how much of this would have happened had not MODS become so big? I am of the opinion that if there were no MOD community, that the 4.09 final might have possibly been released sooner (than this,) but would have less content.
Either way I am seeing the 4,09 final as all good
for the longest time we had 4,09 beta. Then lots of hints, rumours as to when it would be finally out.
Then more time passed and some assumed that 4,09 would never materialize, but it was 'vapourware.'
Now as it comes out, it's got loads more then people expected, with this new wrinkle of even more add-ons and content, where none was originally planned (or announced).
Here's my point: how much of this would have happened had not MODS become so big? I am of the opinion that if there were no MOD community, that the 4.09 final might have possibly been released sooner (than this,) but would have less content.
Either way I am seeing the 4,09 final as all good