[DOWNLOAD] BurmaLower v1.3 & v1.4 map (updated June 5)

If you download only v1.4 then you need to have:

1. Delvpier's Mods_Bridges MOD available to download at this link:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/tlbxiit1f ... RIDGES.zip
BurmaLower v1.3 Package has Delvpier's MOD included.

2. Fabianfred's new village texture which can be downloaded here:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/mn4wvnx9y ... exture.zip
Put this new texture file in this sequence: Mods/Mapmods/Maps/Tex/land/summer/fsk_countrymount

I have the UI 1.1.1 and this doesn't work, It comes up blank can't go into this further but you need to contact Monguse for further info TY

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