Confederate Air Force (CAF) Addition

Now that I have collected all the info and photos that I wanted and needed, I would like to repeat my plea. I am hoping that the genius who created the Forgotten Countries Mod could add the Confederate Air Force, CAF, of the Confederate States of America. Now, for all of you skeptics there actually was a Confederate Air Force that flew WWII aircraft to perserve them. It was recently re-name the Commemorative Air Force. I hope that the CAF could be added to the Allied side in the sim and be allowed to fly all USAAF/USAF aircraft with the following markings.

The Confederate Air Force actually had a special roundel that replaced the standard USAAF roundel on the port side only. This was called the "flag-and bar" and was practiced until the CAF changed its name. Please ignore the black part, I'll try to edit that out later...

[Image: cafroundel.png]

All other roundels were kept the same, basic USAAF roundel.

This is the "Confederate Flag" which was actually flown by more rebelious American soldiers in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam.

[Image: 800px-Confederate_Navy_Jack.svg.png]

For fun, here's the blood chit and wings used by CAF aviators...

[Image: Patch_0005.jpg]

[Image: CAF-Wings-300dpi.jpeg]

If you have any questions about my reasoning or request, please feel free to ask...

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