The Jerries have stolen the TOWERS !! (Canons Channel map)

It does not matter having double entries in your static.ini,it just makes them available in the FMB in two spots while scrolling through the objects.
I just used the "CANEnglishChannel_static.ini_checker" tool ,here are the result's>
No objects missing in your static.ini

No irregulary entry found

Doubled entrys in your static.ini
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$AirdromeMaskingnet4
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$AirdromeMaskingnet6
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$FurnitureSandbag_Wall2
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$FurnitureSandbags_Round2
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$RadarTower_Receiver
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$RadarTower_Transmiter1
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$RadarTower_Transmiter2
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$ladder

You can see I have two double entries for the towers reciever and trnasmiters 1 and 2
as well a few nets ,sandbags and a ladder.

I am on the UI 1.1 patched to UI 1.11
I have the Objects_Installer_1.0 Mod available here at AAA for all my add-on mods needed then tested,
Then the Road mod and static info then test,
I then added Canon's object folder ,map and _Tex folders to appropriate places,
and then added Canon's all.ini info to my all.ini and his static.ini info to the static.ini that comes with the Objects_Installer_1.0 Mod

[Image: grab0000.jpg]

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