Problem with 4.09

I posted these instrustions at SAS:

I managed to patch my modded v4.09b1m (should work for v4.08m also) offline install to v4.09m without any issues so far. This install is based on UI1.0 and has many mods from many mod sites working nicely together with SAS buttons. If you are using SAS buttons with working sounds, these steps should be all you have to do. If you want to start using SAS buttons, remember to install SAS default soundpatch also like instructed at SAS. You can also use some other buttons file, if it is v4.09m compatible and supports all new planes you have installed.

Here is all that I did:
1. Install official v4.09m patch and skins4.09m default skinpack to some temporary folder.
2. Delete mg_snd.dll and mg_snd_sse.dll from that folder (I'm not sure about this, but at least with v4.09b1m someone told that those don't work with mods).
3. Extract files.SFS, il2fb.exe and wrapper.dll to that folder from SASMODACTv_2_for_premodded.7z available at
4. Copy the contents of the temporary folder to your game folder and overwrite everything.
5. Copy game_folder/i18n/ and game_folder/i18n/ to game_folder/MODS/STD/i18n/ or game_folder/Files/i18n/ and rename to and
6. If you had flyable Macci MC.200 Series 7 and 7FB before, delete files 1F46BD32B7586A4E, 5D72658E2E7CF724, 29F1E7D4196D75FC, 670B81181AD8A4BC, FCF59496C7339F0C, 04A3D684B5583D38, 7A8B3C48EB93B0F6, 66E45438C022612A, F7F861464F3D9936 and FE77E0BC95DBCB96. Those are the files of the old flyable MC.200 Series 7 mod that isn't needed anymore. Those files may be in files-folder (UI1.0 and older), MACCHI_200_7_AND_7FB folder (UI1.1) or some other folder.
7. If you have Polikarpov pack installed, remove I-16 Type 5 from that pack like instructed here:
8. Install SAS buttons v2.0 or later.
9. Add missing lines to air.ini, and like when installing new planes.
10. Modify all.ini to use the new maps, and remove MTO, Bessarabia and Slovakia folders inside game_folder/MAPMODS/maps, if you have them.
11. Add missing lines to stationary.ini and technics.ini if you have those somewhere in MODS or files folder.
12. Modify chief.ini if you have that somewhere in MODS or files folder.
13. Add missing lines to regiments.ini if you have that somewhere in MODS or files folder.
14. If you have Forgotten Countries mod, add missing lines to and inside that mod. You can find the missing lines by opening these files in the SASMODACT pack and looking under i01.
15. Extract the contents of "New i18n files" folder in SASMODACT pack to the folder that already has most of these .properties files. In UI1.0 the folder is game_folder/files/i18n, but it may also be game_folder/MODS/STD/i18n or game_folder/MODS/XTD/i18n. Don't overwrite any of the files you have modified earlier.
16. If you have Static_Aircraft mod, file 2B9A89D62FA5D19A inside that mod conflicts with new v4.09m static aircraft. If you want the new v4.09m static aircraft, you can disable that file, but then all the AAA static aircraft won't work. If you leave that file enabled, the game works, but the new static aircraft of v4.09m are broken.
17. If you have default skinmod and you want to have all the new default skins of v4.09m default skinpack instead of those in the skinmods, then you have to remove default skins for those aircraft from the default skinmod.

After these steps you should have all the contents of v4.09m available together with all mods. Even QMB+ and Cert_AI seem to work without issues. But for online gaming you should use some other buttons file, because SAS buttons has some changes for stock aircraft (mostly openable canopies) and is thus for offline use. I hope that AAA releases soon a v4.09m compatible version of AC_installer.

Update: I have added some instructions to solve some compatibility issues that have been reported at SAS or AAA. Also there seems to be issues with TrackIR 6dof, but I don't use that.

If you get 60% CTD after these, you have likely made a mistake when editing air.ini, or deleted some wrong hashed file. The SAS buttons works with all AAA planes and should also work with all other new planes.

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