Cannons Map

Doolittle81 Wrote:I successfuly installed Canon's map back in late August...after some difficulties, and some it all set up including the various *.ini changes, etc. Enjoying it. Then added the add-on autumn maps, etc etc.

I believe the crucial aspect/step in getting Canon's map to work for me involved the static.ini file. At a point, when nothing was working, I had to copy over the 'original' static.ini from my backup of the "clean" UI 1.1 install, then very carefully make the required additions to that "Canon-moded' static.ini. Everything then worked.

Now, I don't know what to do with UI 1.2. It does not include Canon's map, and says to install 1.2 ONLY over a "Clean" UI 1.1 I don't want to go through a repeat fo all the Canon installation work, which I will likely screw up.

What is my best course of action?

Surely someone has installed the UI 1.2 and kept their Canon Channel map installed and working. Can soneone comment on the matter or give advice? Thanks.

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