Sound card? with win7

Hi all
Ive been doing a lot of research, on Sound blasters.
My question is...."With a SB x fi extreme gamer, will you get, stereo/positional EAX, with hardware/extensions on in game, using Alchemy or Dan K package,
in win 7"

Long question, I know, let me explaine.
Ive been chasing sound,for awhile, and have posted, including Creative, I wish to buy this card, but if it isnt an improvement over my audigy..well
What Ive learned, is that X-fi , (If im correct) has its own acceleration on board, instead of the CPU, which win 7 does not support.
If its says X-fi on the label, its not necessarily true, (extreme audio, does not have an X-fi chip)
Alchemy is not supported in 7. (More or less, same question, as above, more detailed to creative, the response, not supported)
Ive had a few nice posters, respond to my threads, the answers, although. In grateful for the response, have not answered my inquiry.
IE "My card works perfectly" when I know it can not.
It seems such, a simple question, which I just can seen to get an answer to.
X-fi user that I know are on xp, Creative, well just didn't help.
If someone would be willing to help, and doesn't know.
A test would be, to turn on, Hardware/Extensions on in game, sit in-pit, and turn your head.
My wife, would like to get this for me for X-mass, It would be wonderful, if it works

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