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strange "gift" packed with mod from SAS ...

As you said,picture is worth a thousand words..

[Image: stock_Yak9_FM.jpg]

Look closely to this have loaded your Yak aircraft and started a mission.Console said

sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/m-100_series.emd
s = FlightModels/M-100_Series.emd

this is the location of your Yak's flight model and it is loaded correctly..
In the mission before this one you were driving the kubel wagen.That's why console say

m_lastFMFile = wagen

because that's the last fm used before you started new mission with the Yak.And at the bottom you have

getting fm file gui/game/buttons
Mission: Quick bla bla

which means that your Yak is using fm from buttons and not from anywhere else.

So,kubel is in every way isolated from any other plane in the game,has it's own files,meshes and it's own flight model separated from the rest fm's.And therefore cannot influence them in any way.Did you try to remove kubel and DiffFM folder?.

BTW,contents of this strange buttons file is Wagen fmd&emd.
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