P51 Mustang

OK....you fly a 109? So do I and therein lies our problem, I dislike the P51 as well because of the same reson you stated. "It spins out too easy"

The 109 has a different wing design...and it has slats that pop out aiding in an aproaching stall. The Mustang with its laminar flow wings does not have these slats and is LESS forgiving in an impending stall.

My friend you are used to flying the 109 and they are two differnt wing designs. Your "muscle memory" is flying a 109 it has not learned the finesse of the Mustang. The Spitfre is sort of an inbetweener.

What I am doing is relearning...I want to fly the P51 as expertly as I do the 109. So I take it one step at a time.

Learn the parameters that this aircraft can handle, fly it docile at first and gradually build up. Do the same with the FW 190.

These flight models are different....may not be as exact as the actual aircraft but I hope they are close.

Hope this helps.... Good luck.

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