"_CANNONDump01 Not found" Map Loading Issue

Talk about ironic.
I was just about to post and ask the DCG whizz here what my problem might be.
I have been using DCG for almost 8 years and after a rebuild of UP2.0 I installed DCG the way it should be and this is whats happening.
No matter what I have tried,DCG has been rendered useless.This is a shame as I reallly enjoy using it a lot.
I have used DCG successfully before with 2.0 but for some reason it's just not working for me.Hoping this is a minor problem which I'll be able to fix.
Hoping like yourself for some good advice here. By the way,when i disable UP2.0 with a clean 409 in JSGME DCG does work,however that no good to me
By the way cypher,I have also had your message as well while trying to fix it.

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