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F-86J V0.09 Discussion

lm2f Wrote:The F-86J seems to be conflicting with histomod V2, is there any way to make it work or incorporate the sidewinders onto the histomod sabres?
Basically histomod currently isn't supported, I didn't check that since I don't have a histomod installation running.
From what I can tell, the F-86J itself likely won't have any trouble with the histomod package, but since it relies on the F-86A/F package of UltraPack or the extracted SAS-Version of it to be installed, histomod obviously misses those requirements, and it's absolutely possible that the SAS F-86 Pack is in conflict with the histomod sabres.

Since histomod is somehow a "closed" complete package, to me it would make more sense if they'd adopt the parts required, i.e. the Sidewinders and/or any other additional loadout. Maybe they'd even want to include other Jets from the coming SAS Jet package. Whatever the histomod team would like to have, they can simply ask the authors to get access to the source in order to incorporate them in a future histomod version. As for the F-86J, anyone who's kindly asking can get access to it.

Best regards - Mike
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