B-17G Project

1. Nice to $ee you u$ing "for love to IL2". Kitten$ will al$o die if you don't get the 5000, i pre$ume.

2. Global cri$i$, if you need money $tart looking for a job, ju$t like i am at the moment (only, i hope).

3. IF thi$ goe$ ahead, only if, you better fini$h your project fir$t and then a$k for the money. Funny to $ee you $ay at fir$t, "gimme money now and i do it later" and now it$ "1/3 of work done and gimme money now".

4. Finally, there'$ alway$ $heep$ that will fork money, an ignorant action when you can get plane$ for free. $o what i ju$t $aid in the previou$ 3 point$ will be u$ele$$. Lol the irony.

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