Map building tutorial

Hi Kevin,

Thanks. I've found a little workaround that it's not very nice but is better than nothing.

As I'm able to see textures in standard FMB, I've tried to see what happened when adding the mission building commands to the bldconf.ini.
The result is that I'm able to see correctly the textures but I've lost the "enable select" and the "rotate" menus. Rotate works anyway by selecting the object and using num pad but the global selection doesn't work and to work with objects I need select and work one by one.

So now I've got three different bldconf.ini, one standard, one only map building to be able to select and move multiple objects and one full that allow me to correctly work on detail level.

It is not easy work but as I said, at least I'm able to have the detail level vision.

I'll anyway try to post the problem on the technical help to see if someone have an idea on this.

Thanks again

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