THE MOD FILE for modding in UP 03RC

Stubbs Wrote:That's funny because I made a "MODS" folder and had no problems and been flying offline and online using the many mods that I have. I never downloaded modact which is what I think you are referring to. So i kept all my UP stuff and just re-installed or extracted mods into my MODS folder. Like I said, I'm able to play SAS offline content and UP3.0 test servers. I'd love the feedback on this because maybe there is something I'm not understanding about this post. Thanks and S!

I ran a check on that, and here is what I found: if you select game mode ULTRAPACK 3, UP3 does pick up its mods in #UP# only;
however if you select classic mod game it does run like being in UP3 mode still, (if not using a modact), but picks up its mods from MODS file.

Which brings up ( here is that word again ) the question what kind of STD file and MAPMODS file do you put in MODS ?

Obviously if you transfer and STD or MAPMODS from a previous game, you should reduce your UP3 capabilities to that level, say 4.10m or 4,101m lone.

The reason being that an air.ini from another game would not activate the new planes from UP3; but if no STD is used you do have the UP3 planes presently!

Conclusion: it does demonstrate that if no modact is used in classic mode, the game loads same as UP3 until it is changed into something else.

Good point anyway ! Thanks.

Update: "classic mode" and it's MODS file is also the place for HSFX installation and HSFX modding.

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