[ WIP ] Spanish SE Map

RealDarko Wrote:Fresco I'm interested in this area, as I live in Amposta one of the Republican rivver beachhead, what kind of help can you give?

Hi RealDarko.

I was referring to giving help to Delco (the artist) to realize the map of the Ebro. We hope that one declares and says to us since we should prune to collaborate, if it he seems to you.

Thank you countryman.

Gracias camarada, estamos en contacto :wink:


Boo, not necessarily......... the "raw" map_c size of big_yamato's West Java map is 510 MB, after conversion to greyscale it was reduced to 188 MB. The map_c tool reduced that even further, to something like 17-20 MB. The dimensions are about 588 x 820 km and the map tools can handle this.
My East Java map may be too large for the map_c tool, however. At 410 MB in greyscale, although the map_c tool does produce the map_c.tga_table, it does not convert the map_c itself so this may be too large- the map itself covers an area of about 1450 x 700 km. I'm not sure whether there actually IS a limit in size for the tool, hopefully fly_zo can answer this. If there isn't, then I probably did something wrong in making map_c.
Quick measuring in my atlas shows a map covering all of Spain to be about 900 x 1200 km or about the size of my East Java map project. So it might be possible at the moment....... or it might not.

I go tthe information here by digging around all the threads and tutorials in the forum.


The Full Spain map is six sections meshed together with Microdem.

I am still working on getting the height map and other files imported into IL2. The information is out there but it is not well organized. One minute the thread will be talking about conversion with 3DEM and then someone else is talking about how to use MicroDEM to maipulate the raw SRTM data. I believe I will get it all figured out but will take a day or two probably with my work schedule to get a basic terrain map loaded for initial testing.

Thanks for all the info out there everyone, but we could use some step by step organizing from getting the raw data through crating the nescessary tga files and then texturing and populating the map. If no one else compiles it all I will try to do it myself as I go along.

Best bet is to follow Clockwatcher's tutorials in viewtopic.php?t=1371
Instructions on how to make map_c, map_h and map_t are on page 2 of this topic.

Wow I

Looking good Delco Smile

Added it to the 'List' Wink

(The link is inoperative)

Many valid points there. A full size map even if it is playable would be forced to limit what sections get populated to have any hope of being completed. The basic texture overlays for, rail, city, and roadway maps could be done in a reasonable amount of time though.

If a single large map is feasible, it could be kept in a central file server and checked out by different people to work on it as they had time.

Personally I want to see a single large map, even if it is not populated with objects, for when I fly just to familiarize myself with terrain (aka Flight Simming)

I am open to suggestions and thoughts on these things as well though, I just thought I would try this to start with. I still have a lot to learn, and until you get into texturing your map and placing objects recreating work from scratch is pretty quick.

Also, when making a map this big you will find that since the game renders it in a plane we are losing the 'spherical' projection, that is the map is distorted, the bigger the map the more distorted it is shown.

In this case (Spain) you can easily notice the distortion, if you use Microdem to join the six parts of the map you

Wooo Delco, put this map to download!! I will start the Ebro area inmediatly!! Why not to populate the most important areas?? The North, Madrid and central area and finally and specially the Ebro!!


Can't wait !


RealDarko Wrote:Wooo Delco, put this map to download!! I will start the Ebro area inmediatly!! Why not to populate the most important areas?? The North, Madrid and central area and finally and specially the Ebro!!

Well I

Ok, I can

Just to say I've had a wee recce in an I-16 and I love this map. Beautiful addition, small or not. Thanks.


My own practice map is coming along finally, I took my first test flight (in a BI-1 for speed) and it looked pretty good. My coastlines need a lot of work, as well as the rivers and I also have a 3K meter wall all around the perimeter. For now I just have a basic texture over all the land. I was very pleased with the mountains though. This actually was not the best looking part of the mountains but the other pics did not take for some reason.

A few of problems probably stem from the way I overlayed the images and then cut them down to size.(its still 500+km across) My Gimp experience is 0 but now that I know what I am doing better things should be a bit easier.

The first image is the Pyrenees and the second is a link to a very large file that was a land feature I have recognized before while studying Spanish geology, overlayed with a Google Maps image. It was pretty cool seeing a landmark like that.

[Image: pyrenees.jpg]

[Image: MapvGoogle.JPG]

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