Downloading the old demo now...
Man, i remeber how much impressed i was when i first play Il2 Demo
The demo I found was Demo2. No such effect was present. If someone can find the Demo1, perhaps they can check and post a screenie.
I did try some ".txl" animation file skins when we were brainstorming (Avala) oil blotch mod , but it was a non runner. I'd hazard a guess the demo used them, but probably disabled by some changes in code.
I think the rain spots were brought up there too.
I am pretty sure I still have the original demo. If I do, it is on one of my older PC's. It has got to be on one of my hard drives somewhere. I was talking to Bearcat about that tonight.
The water drop effect must be in the Il2 code somewhere. Maybe as simple as adding it back into the conf.ini somehow.
When I first got the demo back in the Sep-Oct 2001 time frame (I think it was around that time), I was REALLY impressed by it. I am also impressed that this sim STILL amazes me after all these years.
These mods add even more to it and I want to take this time to thank everyone who takes their precious time to support it.
Where can i get the old old demo ?
I'm gonna see if I can find my demo... I don't remember this effect (I don't remember much of the demo, other than the P39 takeoff in bad weather, and bombing a bridge, in an IL2, in thunder, with 109's on my tail, and being amazed by the tracers.
EDIT: Bugger, just realised I borrowed the demo from my friend, who thought I might like it. God that was years ago (It was around 2001, or 2002)
I seem to remember this effect. i actually trawled through my old CD collection last night to see if I could find any of my old il2 stuff. Turned up some cool suprises, one of which was the original beta v1 (from June 2001) of the game. i tried this (had to turn my PC clock back to 2001 to get it to work) but the raindrop effect wasn't in it. It was a very lkimited beta as it was the first just the quick mission builder and Multiplay. unfortunately I must have lost all the beta patches I had for the game (shame) But it was a real trip down memory lane (anyone remember that really hideous Phsycadelic green 109 skin :?:
I wish I still had those Beta patches cos I am sure the effect turned up on one of those. Oh well, If someone has the original demo and the effect is in that , that would be great.
Anyone got THE ONE demo?
Have the effect? (Post a screenie plz!)