W.I.P. ITALY scale 1:2

this is a very interesting project, though not 1:1 scale, 1:2 is an acceptable compromise because things are not shrinked very much and flight times are also acceptable for most online players.

I believe this map is very good for long-range actions (e.g. Mediterranean Convoys, long range bombing, etc...) ehile other maps in 1:1 scale can be developed in smaller specific areas (e.g. Malta, Alpen, Libya and maybe others will come).

Thanks a lot, I hope this project wil be ready soon! Big Grin


Many thanks friends. Big Grin
I Know it will be a hard work!....hoping in your helps!

How about a 3:4 ! Big Grin (Like Thailand map)

And the crowd goes crazy!!!!

http://www.sentandoapua.com.br/joomla/c ... iew/59/93/ There you have the day by day missions of the Senta Pua (Brazilian aquad frlying P47s). That site provide very accurate info about the targets,m flight routes and so. It have all to make a 100% historical campaing. With an 1:2 map u lose most of the ground targets and locations, like small villages, rivers, etc.

Thats why i would love a 3:4 or a 1:1, is not just about the flight times, is also about the ground targets and recreation of the land war (important for Italy ex: Cassino, Gustav Line, Anzio, etc).

Anyway, great idea, and we are really missing a good Italy map.
Keep up the good work Big Grin.

This looks tremendous Big Grin I'm sure it would be a great addition (Taranto Bay - we need a Swordfish :wink: ).

Good luck with this project.

Hawkers Big Grin

Looking really nice!

Thoughts on scale for what it's worth:
1:1 = simulator
1:2 = game

Which is the preference?

Triad773 Wrote:Looking really nice!

Thoughts on scale for what it's worth:
1:1 = simulator
1:2 = game

Which is the preference?

no dynamic weather = game

so ....


fly_zo Wrote:no dynamic weather = game

so ....

Good point.

Awesome... Now I can make missions for Brazilian Air Force in North Italy Big Grin

Tigre_dos_Pampas Wrote:Awesome... Now I can make missions for Brazilian Air Force in North Italy Big Grin

There is one that I know of already here http://mission4today.com/index.php?name ... ails&id=23

but yes this map will make more possibilities Big Grin

fly_zo Wrote:
Triad773 Wrote:Looking really nice!

Thoughts on scale for what it's worth:
1:1 = simulator
1:2 = game

Which is the preference?

no dynamic weather = game

so ....


After Team Pacific's experience with The Slot, I would like to weigh-in on this.

Construction of 1:1 maps, covering a large area, is a laudible goal that many new map builders (Team Pacific is no exception) strive for, but there are pitfalls to this approach that should be considered before starting any map building project:

- Large, 1:1 scale maps require a great deal of effort to complete to a high standard of excellence. As an example, The Slot took, a team of four individuals, six months to complete. By the time we reached the final stages of construction we were pretty tired of "the grind". I can't even imagine what it would be like to construct a map of this size in the ETO, where the rail, road network, buildings, and infrastructure is massive, compared to the PTO
- Realistic flight times, in excess of forty five mins. - one hour, are considered unrealistic and unplayable by the vast majority of the IL2 community
- Many of these maps are beyond the computing capability of the average IL2 player. It does no good to have a spendidly constructed map that takes 10 minutes to load and runs like a "slide show"
- Every map builder wants his/her project to be used and enjoyed. Sacrificing scale for playability goes a long way towards acheiving this goal. Why spend 6 months building a map that, no matter how accurate and beautiful it is, never gets played?

I say build what you want, but be realistic in what you can achieve.

I like the idea for this map, and think 1:2 will work very well Big Grin

1:2 vote from here too.

After flying several missions for 90 minutes with a bf-109 without a droptank i say it's not fun at all.
If you must be in the air for 90min you must fly really slow and with gentle throttle.

If you do get into long dogfights you will burn a lot more fuel then you think and you wont make it for the full 90min and get back where you started.

But i do understand people who want to have a 4h mission from England to Berlin and back.

Don't know how long you can fly with other planes but for 109Confused it's 90mins, don't know either how much the drop tank increases the airtime.

Hi ortomaltese - wanted to let you know I certainly meant no disrespect of any kind in my comment on the scale.

After reading FA_Cheech's comment it caused me to reconsider my opinion. Also I remember when the stock Italy map came out I was unhappy to find that Milan was where I would expect to find Florence. I was in Italy years ago and loved the country and terrain- and felt that any map offered by IL-2 was to be high standards, or at least have the place names in the correct positions.

I also remember that Fly_Zo was asking questions at the UBI boards about map making tools and not getting very much from the people who could answer re: the Italy map.

I wanted to say I am grateful for the many maps made by people who are interested in extending the experience of this great sim.

I did have one question though- will Monte Casino be modelled? It'd be nice to participate in the historic pulverisation of such a great target 8)

Thanks and looking forward to the eventual release of such a great looking map with so many possible famous missions Big Grin



No problems mate! Big Grin

Everyone has express his/her opinion. They are all reasonable. Yes I'd like a scala 1:1 too...but here the possibilities were only two : 2 separate large maps (central-north and central-south) in scala 1:1 or a reduced scala 1:2 of entire Italy. FA_Cheech has well expressed the problems working at an entire map in scala 1:1 like this. I wanted a strategical map with long range playable missions....So I had only simply a choise for a strategical map .... Italy in scala 1:2

For tactical actions, as 6S.Maraz has sayed, there are, or are in WIP, specifical maps 1:1 (the last I'm looking at is, for example, W.I.P. Corsica). The only that we have not yet is about South areas (apart 6S.Maraz'maps).

Montecassino? Why not! After all, Italy in scala 1:2 is not Lilliput!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

....after i saw what you've done with London some months ago , i can't wait to see what you'll do with Rome . Our Italian friends do deserve proper Italy map ....

really looking forward to this m8 Big Grin


Big Grin Hi, Dear Fly_zo...so we meet again! Big Grin
Many thanks for your encouragement.
There is a PM from me to you.


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