08.05.2012, 08:53
Hello Guys !!
Hey Uzin, I'm happy to see well trained eyes But this twist is already there, no more and no less than the real blade. Different blades types or brands have different twisting degree, it depends on the speed ( RPM ) they are designed to turn, for the thurust they should give etc.. finally, blade angle ( pitch ), twist, lenght and chord ( width ) all depends on which application you want it to be optimised for. Just take a look at turbine fan blades, boat prop blades and wind turbine blades to see what I mean.
The prop you showed me is the Hamilton Standard used for in the B-17 notably, the Hub is 23E50 type and blades are 6477 ( Hamilton Std reference )
And the twist is exactly like that, I know it's hard to judge from those shots, but you'll see when you'll got them in the game.
I would love IL2 support the pitch change, and especially when feathered, that would add visual immersion when you feather a prop on a multi engine bomber for example. A
Anyway, thanks for your remark Uzin, that prove you are getting interested and I like that
BTW, I nearly finished the Ham Std 3 bladed Hydromatic Propeller series.
From left to right ( first shot ) :
- F4U-1 Propeller , thin blade root, and going wider and wider, 23E50 Hub and 6525 Blades : http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... _1944.jpeg
- F4U-1 Propeller , looks like the B-17 one but longer and wider blades
- B-17 F or G Propeller, 23E50 Hub, 6477 Blades
- C-47/DC-3 Propeller , 23E50 Hub
The B-25 one is very near to the DC-3 one, with more rounded tips.
By hetfield81 at 2012-05-08
By hetfield81 at 2012-05-08
By hetfield81 at 2012-05-08
Hey Uzin, I'm happy to see well trained eyes But this twist is already there, no more and no less than the real blade. Different blades types or brands have different twisting degree, it depends on the speed ( RPM ) they are designed to turn, for the thurust they should give etc.. finally, blade angle ( pitch ), twist, lenght and chord ( width ) all depends on which application you want it to be optimised for. Just take a look at turbine fan blades, boat prop blades and wind turbine blades to see what I mean.
The prop you showed me is the Hamilton Standard used for in the B-17 notably, the Hub is 23E50 type and blades are 6477 ( Hamilton Std reference )
And the twist is exactly like that, I know it's hard to judge from those shots, but you'll see when you'll got them in the game.
I would love IL2 support the pitch change, and especially when feathered, that would add visual immersion when you feather a prop on a multi engine bomber for example. A
Anyway, thanks for your remark Uzin, that prove you are getting interested and I like that
BTW, I nearly finished the Ham Std 3 bladed Hydromatic Propeller series.
From left to right ( first shot ) :
- F4U-1 Propeller , thin blade root, and going wider and wider, 23E50 Hub and 6525 Blades : http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... _1944.jpeg
- F4U-1 Propeller , looks like the B-17 one but longer and wider blades
- B-17 F or G Propeller, 23E50 Hub, 6477 Blades
- C-47/DC-3 Propeller , 23E50 Hub
The B-25 one is very near to the DC-3 one, with more rounded tips.
By hetfield81 at 2012-05-08
By hetfield81 at 2012-05-08
By hetfield81 at 2012-05-08