Is it being taken up or what?
Im sure the modders have their hands full as is but it sounds like the real work has been done already.
I could personally care less about the Beaufighters. But the TBD needs to be in the game.
Just get VP-Beercqamel's skins at Flying Legends.net. It makes a very convincing Devastator out of the B5N2. Add some US Navy crew and Whalla! you got yourself some nice looking targets for your Zero.
Thank Heaven for skinners.
I have them actually, its just not the same.
Its not like im going to jump a bridge if it doesn't happen. It would just be cool in time.
777 Studios - Jason
Kamikaze1111 Wrote:AWESOME WORK! Hey BV/Burnin! Its Kamikaze from the Ol 777AVG. Looks like things are going well for ya. Glad to see it
And again . . awesome work . . .
Hey Kami! How have you been man? I hope all is well out in the high desert. :-) Things with me are busy. Got a lot of projects working, Which can be a good thing or a bad thing. I'm trying to get this TBD to you guys for one. Here is an update.
First, I apologize for the slowness of the updates on my end. My day job (GoGamer.com) and my 777 Studios has been keeping me busy. I do have some good news though.
I have teamed up with the dev. group known as Letka 13 in Eastern Europe. I have given them all of the files and they will be importing the TBD in to the IL-2 engine etc. This bird will appear as A.I. in the hopefully near future. These guys have all the tools to make it fly right. They have about 4 other planes they are going to be bringing in the sim as well. The TBD needs some tweaking, but the idea is to have 2 versions. One for the Coral Sea and one for Midway. I am confident it will make it in ok.
Making it flyable with a good cockpit is a different story, but lets shoot for A.I. first.
They will be keeping me abreast of the process and I will post updates here as I get them.
I hope this news makes some of you TBD fans happy.
Merry Christmas!
At least were getting the TBD, AI or not its still a much needed addition.
The 3D models look great.
is there any new of this airplane as liek is it still being made or has stop or you are no longer making
the DOUGLAS TBD-1 still there is no update yet
Would be great to see someone bring in the CW-21B. We can never have enough early war aircraft.
How goes the progress?
I remember Gibs flying wing. I was always disappointed that no one made this for 1946 dvd. After all this was actually flying, though with some nasty problems.
Still interested... :wink: