23 new ground textures for BoB

There was 1 file listed wrong in the above list. I just edited it. Try copy and pasting again if that's what you're using.

If you had problems downloading from the first link try this:

http://files.filefront.com/Compans+grou ... einfo.html

nice, using googel maps ?

a bit like this
[Image: textur.jpg]
edited LAL_normandy map, just for personal use.
over Carpiquet airbase
textures from googel earth around cean area.

Google Earth was the starting point. All textures have been heavily tampered with though to suit the IL2 environment.

S! Comp

Compans Wrote:Google Earth was the starting point. All textures have been heavily tampered with though to suit the IL2 environment.

S! Comp
good jobb Big Grin

most have been a relay hard work to do all thos maps, so they fit together, absolutely when i noticed on the textures that u dont use any alpha canals on them, and btw way are u using 256 (8 BitsPerPixel) tga ?

i use 16,7 Millions (32 BitsPerPixel) tga.

hope some mapmakers will start to use them for there maps and mission.

now we need a skin pack for planes in tga 16,7 Millions (32 BitsPerPixel)
so the planes looks more real

Many thanks for the explanation and for the new link.

Great work :wink:


Yup...they're 256 colours. What exactly does the alpha chanel do?

S! Comp

Compans Wrote:Yup...they're 256 colours. What exactly does the alpha chanel do?

S! Comp
what i have understand the alpha channel mixing the different texture together on the map,
like u can see here on the pic, i think that is useful for mapmakers examples to get more random farmland whit just two ground textures.
[Image: mix.jpg]

Blending seems to happen naturally between different textures.

Try this for Normandy map:

LowLand0 = land/summer/Compans_Marsh.tga
LowLand1 = land/summer/Compans_french_fields_2.tga
LowLand2 = land/summer/Compans_french_fields_1.tga
LowLand3 = land/summer/Compans_french_fields_2.tga

MidLand0 = land/summer/Compans_Marsh.tga
MidLand1 = land/summer/Compans_french_fields_2.tga
MidLand2 = land/summer/Compans_french_fields_1.tga
MidLand3 = land/summer/Compans_french_fields_3.tga

Mount0 = land/summer/Compans_mountain_fields_2.tga
Mount1 = land/summer/Compans_mountain_fields_2.tga
Mount2 = land/summer/Compans_mountain_fields_2.tga
Mount3 = land/summer/Compans_mountain_fields_2.tga

Country0 = land/summer/Compans_french_fields_3.tga
Country1 = land/summer/whitechalk.tga
Country2 = land/summer/Compans_french_fields_3.tga
Country3 = land/summer/Compans_Marsh.tga

City0 = land/summer/Compans_French_village.tga
City1 = land/summer/Compans_French_suburbs.tga
City2 = land/summer/Compans_French_City.tga
City3 = land/summer/Compans_French_suburbs.tga

AirField0= land/summer/Compans_airfield1.tga
AirField1= land/summer/Compans_airfield1.tga
AirField2= land/summer/Compans_airfield1.tga
AirField3= land/summer/Compans_airfield1.tga

Wood0 = forest/summer/rom_forrestground.tga
Wood1 =
Wood2 = forest/summer/rom_ForrestFar.tga
Wood3 =

Water0 = water/water.tga
Water1 = land/summer/Compans_coastal1.tga

Water2 = land/summer/Compans_coastal1.tga
Water3 = water/rom_fields_Beach.tga,2

[Image: spit223np6.jpg]

[Image: spit224py0.jpg]

[Image: spit225tr2.jpg]

S! Comp

cool, Big Grin i shall test that one, thanks

This is pretty extreme but for the full 'London' effect try this and set up a Heinkel intercept in Hurris or Spits at around 5000m in blind or poor weather:

LowLand0 = land/summer/Compans_City1.tga
LowLand1 = land/summer/Compans_City2.tga
LowLand2 = land/summer/Compans_City1.tga
LowLand3 = land/summer/Compans_City1.tga

MidLand0 = land/summer/Compans_City1.tga
MidLand1 = land/summer/Compans_City2.tga
MidLand2 = land/summer/Compans_City1.tga
MidLand3 = land/summer/Compans_City1.tga

Mount0 = land/summer/Compans_City1.tga
Mount1 = land/summer/Compans_City2.tga
Mount2 = land/summer/Compans_City1.tga
Mount3 = land/summer/Compans_City1.tga

Country0 = land/summer/Compans_Marsh.tga
Country1 = land/summer/whitechalk.tga
Country2 = land/summer/Compans_Marsh.tga
Country3 = water/rom_fields_Beach.tga,2

City0 = land/summer/Compans_City1.tga
City1 = land/summer/Compans_City1.tga
City2 = land/summer/Compans_City1.tga
City3 = land/summer/Compans_City1.tga

AirField0= land/summer/Compans_airfield1.tga
AirField1= land/summer/Compans_airfield1.tga
AirField2= land/summer/Compans_airfield1.tga
AirField3= land/summer/Compans_airfield1.tga

Wood0 = forest/summer/rom_forrestground.tga
Wood1 =
Wood2 = forest/summer/rom_ForrestFar.tga
Wood3 =

Water0 = water/water.tga
Water1 = land/summer/Compans_City2.tga
Water2 = land/summer/Compans_City1.tga
Water3 = water/rom_fields_Beach.tga,2

S! Comp

trayd ur set up for Normandy but the engine cant faind this texture Country3 = land/summer/sand.tga
and i cant faind it in any folder or any of the fb_mapsxx.SFS files, is that a misspelling or a custom texture?

will replays it whit something else just for now so i can test how the map looks like, im abit exiting here
like a small child on x-mass 8)

Looking forward to seeing your textures in Joe's map

Continuing to be impressed 8)


Yeah...you're right about the sand. That's one of mine I didn't include. I'm changing the list above.

Thanks for the heads up!

S! Comp

hum, i first tog th i have get ghost in my pc,
but then i found ut that this line is also wrong
Water2 = land/summer/rom_CoastLine1.tga
it should be water/rom_CoastLine1.tga.

ma by u can tell me where in the sfs i can find thso rom, Italy_DF, sk map textures, extracted all
fb_mapsxx.SFS but dident find them there, humm

Thanks again EQT. Changed the list above. Hope it works for you now.

S! Comp

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